
The end-to-end project to make technology reach the common man

The e-District initiative of the Department of Information Technology (DIT), Ministry of Communication & Information Technology (MCIT), and Government of India has been identified as one of the Mission Mode Projects at the State level. The project aims at providing support to the basic administrative unit i.e. "District Administration" to enable content development of G2C services, which would optimally leverage and utilize the three infrastructure pillars, the State Wide Area Network (SWAN) for connectivity, State Data Centre (SDC) for secure and fail safe data storage, and Common Service Centers (CSCs) as the primary front-ends for service delivery to deliver services to the citizens at their doorstep.

e-District project involves integrated and seamless delivery of citizen services by district administration through automation of workflow, back end digitization, integration and process redesigning across participating sections/departments for providing services in a most efficient manner to the citizens. Providing easy, anywhere and anytime access to government services (both information & transactional) to ensure reliability, efficiency, transparency and accountability.

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Delivery of all public services at district/sub district level in electronic form through state portals by using the SSDG.

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Reducing number of visits of citizens to a government office / department for availing the services and thereby eliminating harassment.

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Reducing administrative burden and service fulfilment time and costs for the government, citizens & businesses.

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Reducing direct interaction of citizen with the government and encourage ā€˜eā€™-interaction and efficient communication through portal.

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Enhancing perception & image of the Government and its constituent Departments.

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Undertake backend computerization of District and Tehsil level offices to ensure electronic delivery of high volume citizen centric services at the district level.

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Efficient delivery of services with improved service levels by undertaking extensive Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) of identified services.

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Delivery of services through CSCs by leveraging the common infrastructure of SWAN, SDC and SSDG.

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Development of applications to be hosted at the SDCs for delivery of services.

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Extensive capacity building and training of field level functionaries to ensure smooth migration to electronic delivery of e-district services and phasing out manual delivery of services.

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